Welcome to our journey of love, living in the face of loss and just plain living. We've experienced the greatest loss a parent can face--the loss our our baby daughter, Sylvia. She flew to Heaven due to complications of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) on 2/26/09. We have two "Earth Angel" children, Will and Stella. They have been a great help on this journey. We live a blessed rich life in spite of our loss. We are lucky to be parents to such special children. They are our life. Welcome to our life!

Blog Archive

Monday, May 10, 2010

Stella's Birth Announcement

Announcing our Little Star, Stella Sylvia Houselog! Sorry this is so late, but I wanted enough pictures to fill up the time space of our special "Over the Rainbow" song.
For some reason, I cannot get this montage to show a thumbnail sketch and play easily on my blog. I could on facebook, but not on blogger--aargh!
Stella brings us so much joy! She is a very welcome addition. We love her so!
Check out the following link (Copy and paste it.)


  1. Thank you for sharing your video, she is a cutie!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Houselog family! :) My name is Katie, and I'm a friend of Allison Haag. I just wanted to take the time to say that I've known Sylvia so much...even though I've never met her. So many feelings well up inside me when I hear 'Song of Sylvia', and it's touched me deeply. I think Allison showed you my story I wrote? 'Guardian Angels and a Red Wagon'. I really wanted to do something special for Sylvia, so I wrote that story for her (and for my Aunt Judy). You are always in my prayers, and I think you have three beautiful children :)

  4. Wow! That video was gorgeous!!! And, Wow!!! She's so beautiful!!! Looks like she is developing a wonderful personality too with all of those cute toothless grins! Your MN family cannot wait to see her in a few weeks!

    Love you!

